Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Simple Finance - Why Self Made People Do Simple Living

The self made people I know and have met all practice key points in simple living. Research into self made millionaires also backs up these points.
Here are some of the key points:
Self made people live below their means. They have learnt the value of money.
They are very efficient with their time. They do not like wastage of anything - particularly time. Being with a self made person who has been taken away from work can be extremely tiresome as there is much checking of watches and heavy sighing and asking 'where is this person we're waiting for?' You should try it some time - I heartily don't recommend it, even though I'm one of these impatient creatures!
They choose their life journeys and jobs with care. There is usually a well thought out plan behind it, it isn't usually a result of a shrug and a 'I don't know what I want to do with myself.'
Their parents usually raised them with good appreciation of the value of things and did not behave like the Bank of Mom and Dad.
To opt for simple living in a very materialistic world is an indication that the person wants to live consciously. They are interested in thinking abut every step they take and not being led by negative outside influence. This is very representative of the self efficiency practiced with simple living. It is about living with purpose and retaining control of your life and not relinquishing it to distant institutional figures.
The simple truth is that on this earth money means a certain amount of control. It is not the only factor in controlling one's life but it can certainly be a major one for most people. With more money you have more say in how you spend your valuable time and you do not have to sell your time to another person for less than it is worth on a daily basis.
You do not have to be a millionaire to live simply, but if you have the talent and the knowledge trail left by other successful simple livers why not use it? Having money only becomes a curse if you are not using it kindly and intelligently.

How To Establish A Budget To Buy A Vacation Home

Who hasn't dreamt about buying a nice vacation house on a deserted island or somewhere in the mountains? Well, if you need to be more realistic in terms of budgeting, you might be contemplating buying a nice cottage or country house.
Nonetheless, you can consider yourself a lucky person if you plan on buying one real soon. There are many Americans who cannot even afford to make down payments for their first home.
You need to be really down-to-earth and as practical as you can. Think wisely of the exact budget you can afford to spend on a vacation house and don't exceed your limits.
Be fully aware of what the purchase of a new house means. You will have to make a down payment, pay monthly mortgage rates or maybe the purchase price, buy new furniture and utilities, and maybe even make some important upgrades.
All these mean big expenses, so you should take every one of them into consideration. Think as practical as you can. You want the house, but do you really need it?
Think if you wouldn't be more okay with a timeshare ownership instead of an outright ownership. This is especially true if you are planning on staying there for no more than two or three weeks a year.
Things such as who is going to watch the house and clean it while you are gone should also be your concerns, because they also mean more expenses. Also, if you plan on buying a house where you can live after retiring, make sure you'll have the same interests then as you do now.
After all, maybe you won't be too fond of living near a lake in ten years. All in all, you need to establish a very exact budget if you are thinking of making such an important purchase as a vacation home, and think very wisely if you really need it.
Steven Murphy has been writing articles about budgeting for the past four years. He also likes to write about New York real estate subjects, such as pertinent information regarding Chelsea apartments and Union Square apartments
Steven Murphy

Use credit counseling for a better future

There are several reasons why people end up struggling financially. For some it is their lifestyle that has them living from paycheck to paycheck. For others it is the lack of foresight that prevents them from having any savings. Such scenarios often lead to long term debt and bankruptcy becomes the only solution. In such cases, the court makes it necessary for these individuals to undergo bankruptcy credit counseling.

You will have to go to those credit counseling agencies that have been approved by the court. Moreover, the court will also appoint a counselor specific to your case and you will have to visit only that person. If you do not comply with the rulings of the court, you may be liable to some serious consequences. No matter what the cause of your bankruptcy and your course of finance management, undergoing credit counseling is a compulsory part of filing for bankruptcy.

In order to go about this, you will first have to go through the court approved list of credit counseling agencies. Select one and a counselor that best suits your convenience. In case the court does not have such a list, then you will have to cross check with them on the agency of your choice.Personal bankruptcy is a relatively simple process which can be done professionally with the help of experts in the field.Research is the only way you can go about this. You need to find one that has a good track record and one that will actually help you set your financial mess straight.

Bankruptcy credit counseling agencies will teach you a whole range of skills that will make you see your financial mistakes of the past in new light. They will zero in on your unique problem and take it forward from there. If managing your monthly expenses is an issue, they will help you chart them out in such a way that you do have savings included as well. In cases where compulsive shopping is a problem, you will receive counseling on how to overcome the urge to spend money that you do not have. After this you will be able to file for bankruptcy and know exactly where you have gone wrong so as not to repeat the mistakes again. However, the onus will remain on you and your will to stick to the solutions that have been provided to you.